Gender Research Programs


Gemic The Ge.M.IC research project (Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in South-East Europe and the Mediterranean” ( was funded by European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7). It was implemented in 8 European countries from 2008 to 2011, and the project coordinator was Centre for Gender studies. GeMIC explored the intersections between gender and migration in intercultural interactions as a critical nexus point where some of the most important contemporary socio-cultural developments are taking place.

Ge.MI.C focused on the Mediterranean and South-East Europe as an intercultural space of migrant mobility and cultural diversity. Research is interdisciplinary and expands, across national borders, in six thematic areas: Media and National Identity, Intercultural Education, Religion, Urban Space and Social Movements, Gendered Violence, Mixed and Trans-national Families.

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