- Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου - https://www.genderstudies.panteion.gr/en/ -

ProGender’s Online Lecture: “Migration and motherhood: The experiences of Southern European mothers in Norway” 9.5.2022, at 16:00- 17:30 CET

[1]The Centre for Gender Studies [2] of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, in cooperation with the Center for Gender Research (SKF) [3] of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), invites you to the online lecture entitled :“Migration and motherhood: The experiences of Southern European mothers in Norway”.  

Main Lecturer:  Raquel Herrero-Arias, Associate Professor at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.  

Coordinator:  Sofia MorattiSenior Researcher at the Centre for Gender Research and Centre for Technology and Society, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 

The lecture will be followed by discussion.   Participation to the lecture is Free. It will be conducted in English. 

Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87131457810?pwd=bEIrQ0dwQ0w4TFUySDlIWE9mcmJwZz09 [4]Meeting ID: 871 3145 7810 Passcode: 880954

  With live streaming on Facebook @ProGenderproject  https://www.facebook.com/ProGenderproject [5]  

ProGender: A Digital Hub on Gender, the Covid-19 Crisis and its Aftermath, is funded by the Bilateral Fund of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA Grants 2014-2021)