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Public event : «Autonomy, Labour, and the Political Economy of Social Media»

Centre for Gender Studies of the Department of Social Policy of Panteion University and the European research project MIG@NET invite you to the event titled: «Autonomy, Labour, and the Political Economy of Social Media». Presentations by:

Tiziana Terranova – Becoming autonomous? Labour and the political economy of digital social media

Dmytri Kleiner – P2P Communism vs Client-Server Capitalism

on Thursday 19 January 2012 at 7:00 pm

at Empros Theater, 2 Riga Palamidi Street, Psirri [1]


Tiziana Terranova lectures and researches cultural studies and new media at the Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ in the Department of Human and Social Sciences. She is the author of Network Culture: politics for the information age (Pluto Press 2004). She is currently working on a book on neoliberalism and the Internet.

Dmytri Kleiner is a member of Telekommunisten and develops miscommunication technologies, including deadSwap, Thimbl and R15N, He is author of the Telekommunist Manifesto. He can be followed at http://dmytri.info [2].

The event will be held in English.

You can watch the video of the event here. [3]