Δημοσιεύσεις σε Θέματα Φύλου

Δημοσιεύσεις από την ερευνητική δραστηριότητα του  Εργαστηρίου:

  • Ντ. Βαΐου, Γ. Πετράκη, Μ. Στρατηγάκη (επιμ.), (2021),Έμφυλη Βία – Βία κατά των Γυναικών.  Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια &Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου Παντείου. Δείτε το Δελτίο Τύπου
  • Γεωργία Πετράκη (2020),ΓΥΝΑΙΚΟΚΤΟΝΙΕΣ:διαπιστώσεις, ερωτήματα και ερωτηματικάΤΕΤΡΑΔΙΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Gutenberg. Δείτε το Δελτίο Τύπου
  • Γεωργία Πετράκη, Νέλλη Καμπούρη, Σούλα Μαρινούδη (2020),Φύλο, κράτος πρόνοιας και ανθεκτικότητα στην κρίση, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Νήσος & Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου – Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο.Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε εδώ την έκδοση δωρεάν.
  • Μαρία Καραμεσίνη και Μαρία Συμεωνάκη (2019), Συμφιλίωση εργασίας και οικογένειας στην Ελλάδα. Γένεση, εξέλιξη και αποτίμηση μιας πολιτικήςΑθήνα: Εκδόσεις Νήσος & Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου – Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο (δεύτερη έκδοση 2020) Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε εδώ την έκδοση δωρεάν.
  • Μαρία Καραμεσίνη και Jill Rubery(2015), Γυναίκες και Λιτότητα. Οικονομική κρίση και το μέλλον της ισότητας των φύλωνΑθήνα: Εκδόσεις Νήσος & Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου – Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο
  • Karamessini M. and J. Rubery eds. (2013), Women and Austerity. The Economic Crisis and the Future for Gender Equality, (London and New York: Routledge)
  • Ζαββού Α., Ν. Καμπούρη, και Μ. Στρατηγάκη επιμέλεια, (2013), Φύλο Μετανάστευση και Διαπολιτισμικότητα, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Νήσος
  • Ντ. Βαΐου και Μ. Στρατηγάκη επιμέλεια, (2008), Το Φύλο της Μετανάστευσης, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Μεταίχμιο

Αλεξάνδρα Ζαββού

1. Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά

1)      Zavos, A. (2006), “Kurdish women refugees in Athens: Record of an absence and the politics of (in)visibility”, in Das Argument, Special Issue: Migrantinen. Grenzen Ueberschreitend (Women Migrants. Crossing Borders), nr. 266: 391-401. (in German)

2)      Zavos, A., Biglia, B. (2009), “Embodying feminist research: Learning from action research, political practices, diffractions and collective knowledge”. Qualitative Research in Psychology, vol. 6(1): 153-172.

3)      Kambouri, N. & Zavos, A. (2010), “on the frontiers of citizenship: considering the case of Konstantina Kuneva and the intersections between gender, migration and labour in Greece”. Feminist Review, 94: 148-155.

2. Κεφάλαια σε συλλογικούς τόμους

 4)      Zavos, A. (2009), “In search of new political subjects: Gender and migration in the Anti-racist movement”. In D. Vaiou, M. Stratigaki (Eds.), The Gender of Migration. Athens: Metaixmio. (in Greek)

5)      Zavos, A. & Kambouri, H. (2010), “Female migration as political experience: gendered subjects and performative negotiations of identity in the anti-racist movement”. In F. Tsibiridou (Ed.), Minority and Migrant Experiences. Athens: Kritiki. (in Greek)

6)      Zavos, A. (2010), “Gender, migration and anti-racist politics in the continued project of the nation”. In I. Palmary, E. Burman, K. Chantler and P. Kiguwa (Eds.), Gender and Migration: Feminist perspectives, political interventions. London: Zed.

7)      Zavos, A. (forthcoming), «Building Alliances: Greek and migrant women in the anti-racist movement in Athens». In G.T. Bonifacio (Ed.), Feminism and Migration: Cross-cultural Engagements. New York: Springer.

8)      Zavos, A. (forthcoming), “Gender and the politics of immigrant protest in Greece”. In K. Marciniak and I. Tyler (Eds.), Immigrant Protest: Politics, Aesthetics, and Everyday Dissent. New York: SUNY.

3. Ερευνητικές Εκθέσεις

10)  Zavos, A. (2009), Context Analysis and Methodology Review Report (Deliverable 3). GeMIC: Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in South-East Europe and the Mediterranean, FP7 Cooperation, Contract No. 216065, Athens. Accessed at: http://www.gemic.eu/?p=219.

11)  Zavos, A. (2010), “Gender and the cultural politics of migration in the context of a Greek school”. Report on Intercultural Education. National case-study: Greece. GeMIC:  Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in South-East Europe and the Mediterranean, FP7 Cooperation, Contract No. 216065, Athens.

12)  Zavos, A., Kambouri, H. (2011), Gender, migration and intercultural interactions in South-east Europe and the Mediterranean. Research findings and policy recommendations (Deliverable 11). GeMIC: Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in South-East Europe and the Mediterranean. FP7 Cooperation, Contract No. 216065, Athens.

13)  Zavos, A. (2011), National report for Greece. Study of collected narratives on gender perceptions in 27 EU Member States. Yellow Window Management Consultants and the European Institute for Gender Equality. Antwerp.

Συνέδρια – Presentations (2006 – σήμερα)

14)  Zavos, A. (2006), “Researching ‘home’: reflections on fieldwork on gender and migration in Athens”, paper presented at the Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC) Annual Research Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 3 July 2006, Manchester, UK.

15)  Zavos, A. (2006), “Moving relationships/shifting alliances: women’s migration and anti-racist activism in Athens”, paper presented at the Psychology of Women’s Section (POWS) Annual Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 5-7 July 2006, Manchester, UK.

16)  Kambouri, H., Zavos, A. (2006), “Gendered dimension of migration: silent subjects and the politics of identity”, presentation at the Conference Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Minority and Migration Phenomenon: the Greek Juncture after the End of the Cold War, Center for Research on Minorities (KEMO), Panteion University, 15-17 December 2006, Athens, Greece.

17)  Zavos, A. (2008), “Gender, migration and victimization in the renewed project of the nation”, invited speaker at the “Nation, violence and gender” Conference, Forced Migration Studies Programme, University of Witwatersrand, 4-7 March 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa.

18)  Zavos, A. (2009), “Can migrant women become political subjects? Unfolding the intersections of gendered and racialized power relations in the Greek anti-racist context”, presentation at the Center for Narrative Research, UEL and the Gender Institute, LSE Graduate Seminars in Narrative, Research and Social Representations, 6 October 2009, London, UK.

19)  Zavos, A. (2009), “Gender, migration and intercultural education: Challenges for practicing multiculturalism in Greece”, paper presented at the “Schooling Resistance” Symposium chaired by Erica Burman, Gender and Education Conference, 25-27 March 2009, Institute of Education, London, UK.

20)  Zavos, A. (2009), “Mapping commonalities and differences in changing gender and migration relations in Southern Europe”, paper presented at the “Researching gender, migration and intercultural interactions in Southern Europe: an intersectional approach” Panel chaired by Maria Stratigaki, 7th Feminist Research Conference, 4-7 June 2009, Utrecht, Netherlands.

21)  Zavos, A., Kambouri, N. (2011), “The GEMIC project: research findings and policy recommendations”, paper presented at the International Conference Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in South-east Europe and the Mediterranean, 21-22 January 2011, Panteion University, Athens, Greece.

22)  Zavos, A. (2011), “The politics of gender and migration in Greece in dynamic perspective”. 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, 27.06-01.07, Thessaloniki, Greece.